Species Details

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This page has information on all of the sentient species used in my fanfiction such as vampires, fae, elves, werewolves, etc.

Fae Species

Amadan - carry a unique curse in theit touch, very capable with bloodmagic, european

Lion Fae

Cheetah Fae

Okapi fae

Eagle fae

Kodiak Fae

Wolf fae

Tiger fae



Vascari - exoskeleton, very violent

Dryads - forest based life forms, green colorations, european and asian

Drykan - also forest based, North American

Vashora - forest creatures that meld with trees and other plants. North and South America, biochemical abilities, don't interact much with any toher species, very fierce.

Laminas - South and Central American desert dwellers.

Okata - powers over metals and minerals, cave dwelling, Japan and Korea

Shyari - air-based elementals, mostly found on the Arabian peninsula.